Saturday night craftalong

This weekend was the first in a long time that we didn't have visitors or weren't ourselves away, and it was such a luxury to be at home with nothing much to do! We had glorious weather, so we spent a lot of quality family time outside, soaking up the sun. Otherwise, I had zero plans beyond relaxing and recouping from the past few weeks of visiting and entertaining, so I was glad to have some hand sewing at the ready for a cozy evening on the sofa on Saturday. I've been following the Saturday Night Craftalong hosted by Lucy of Charm About You on Instagram for a while now but never had the chance to participate, so this seemed like the perfect time to join in with my teeny, tiny hexies . Just for fun, I started sewing them into multi-coloured daisies. When I wound up for the evening, I had a pile of zany and colourful mini flowers. I'm still not quite sure what I'll do with these, but it occurred to me that I might be able to use them in combination w...