Happy Thanksgiving!!

This is what I wish I was eating right now! (Yes, even at this early hour of the morning!) But, alas, it's just another workday here, and a particularly busy one at that. Nevertheless, hubby has promised me (a non-Thanksgiving) dinner when I get home from work tonight and has already been instructed to take out the pumpkin pie I made a while back and froze for just this occasion. Can't ask for more than that, especially as pumpkin pie is my favourite part of Thanksgiving anyway! Sadly, I suspect he won't be joining me in my pumpkin pie feast. Every time I've made pumpkin pie here in Ireland and Northern Ireland, in fact, I've generally found people rather hesitant about it, primarily, it seems, because they associate pumpkins with savoury dishes. I'm willing to admit that the cinnamon and clove spiked pumpkin custard that fills the pie shell might be an acquired taste - one that can seem foreign and strange if you haven't grown up with it. But they say the same about beer and wine, and people generally seem to get over that barrier very quickly! 

Anyway, if you want to give it a go, here's a link to my favourite recipe. I always just use the one off the back of the Libby's pumpkin tin - it's definitely the best! Lovely and spicy and super easy to put together! There are various places in Belfast that seem to stock Libby's or an equivalent at this time of year, Sawer's being the main one. If you can't find tinned pumpkin, though, you can also use a fresh pumpkin that's been skinned, steamed, mashed, and sieved to remove as much water as possible. A little bit more time-consuming than the tinned version but worth the effort, in my opinion!!

xx Tina


  1. Hope you have a lovely Thanksgiving and how nice that the pie is yours, all yours! ;-)

  2. Happy Thanksgiving. I would like your pumpkin pie. I have never had an American pie before but think I would like it as the flavours of cinammon and cloves sound lovely.

  3. Happy Thanksgiving Tina. Today I am thankful that I met you through Bee Blessed and thankful for the cheeriness (and bakes) you always share with us each meeting.

    Pumpkins are relatively "new" to us here in NI and we mostly use them for carving faces in - few of us ever actually think to cook with them, and it'll likely take a while longer for that to catch on! Even for hallowe'en when I was a little girl, not a million years ago but still a few, no-one had carved pumpkins. Instead we had carved turnips. Holes were made near the top, one on each side and string threaded through to make a carry handle for your turnip lantern which we would proudly carry to the school turnip lantern competition trying not to set the school alight with wobbling candles and stinking the place out with the smell of burning turnip flesh. Nice! (No wonder my dad had biceps like popeye, can you imagine how hard it must be to carve a turnip?!!)

  4. I hope that you had a nice evening and that pumpkin pie looks delicious. Di x


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