Hello, world!

Well, we've made it to the other side! Our little bundle of joy was born on 27 December, weighing just over 3 kg and measuring a pretty astonishing 52 cm. (She takes after her dad in the height category!) Naturally, we think our little Gracie is the most perfect, beautiful baby in the world! 

We're settling in at home now and getting to know each other, so things will be slow on the patchworking/baking front for the next little while, though we did manage to pop in very briefly on Saturday afternoon to see the lovely Bee Blessed ladies. And, we got home from church yesterday morning to find the most amazing package of goodies for both mum and tot from the ever-generous Sarah. There was a fantastic Russian doll wall hanging, two amazing little taggy squares, two lovely, bright FQs for my stash, and lots of lovely lotions and potions for some special mummy pampering time! You can see the wall hanging and taggies on Sarah's blog. Thanks again, Sarah!!

I'll undoubtedly be keeping up with all of you and your goings-on during our nighttime feeding sessions! I hope to be back soon with more patchworking and baking projects, but in the meantime, thank you all for your good wishes! I hope 2013 is a wonderful, joy-filled year for all!

xx Tina


  1. Congratulations! I heard from Sarah that you had a girl. Woohoo! I can attest, girls are fabulous - most of the time. ;-)

    So very happy for you and your husband. Enjoy the wonder of it all.

  2. Congrats to you both Tina on your new bundle of joy.

  3. What a treat we had on Saturday! Thank you for bringing your cute bundle of joy! Take it easy and hang in there - it will get easier! Jxo

  4. Many congratulations and welcome to Grace. I kind of guessed that Sarah had made the lovely Russian Dolls hanging and taggy squares for you so guessed you had a girl. Take it easy and go with the flow until you get the rhythm of being a family. It can be tough if you are sleep deprived. Enjoy your little one. Di x

  5. It was great seeing you on Saturday and meeting Grace. Enjoy her and those lovely night feeds.

  6. Oh tina that's great news.. Congratulations and say hello to gracie for me! X

  7. God bless you all! Sorry to have missed you on Saturday and Sunday but I do hope to catch you and Grace in person soon. Take it easy and enjoy these times in spite of the sleep deprivation.

  8. Welcome little Grace to world!
    I love the name Grace, and I hope that she gows to be her name personified.
    E xx


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