A year late!

About a decade ago... ok, I'm exaggerating, less than a year ago... I started a cute little baby blanket for friends whose first son was born shortly after baby G. With one thing and another, though, the quilt ended up in my WIP pile until a couple of weeks ago, when I realised that if I didn't get my act together, this baby boy was going to turn one before receiving the quilt meant to welcome him into the world. I actually had all of the squares done and really just needed a few hours to get them sewn into rows and add a border or two. Easy peasy, especially with Wednesday sewing nights!

That thin inner border actually has light green polka dots, but you can't see them in this light.

Ta-da! It's a version of this other quilt I'd made, using this pattern from the Moda Bake Shop. And, the wind cooperated to show both front and back at the same time! Now, I've just to add binding and a label, and this pretty little thing will be ready to go, just in time for a special little boy's birthday celebrations!

xx Tina


  1. Love all those oranges and blues! Well done on your finish! (And look forward to seeing you next week!) Jxo

  2. Brilliant Tina, It's a beautiful quilt.

  3. Thank goodness for Wednesday sewing nights. This is too nice to be sitting on a UFO pile!

  4. What a sweet quilt, and a finish is a finish.

  5. Good finish. Don't be hard on yourself as you too had a new baby. Di x

  6. love how you get the back visible too with the way the wind has caught it. What a gorgeous quilt xx Kristin


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