Blogging Blues

So, I've kind of lost the blogging bug recently, mostly, I think, because I've been enjoying spending loads of time with hubby and Baby G after 9 months of a crazy distance living/working situation. It's set to start up again in September, so we've really been maximising family time together this summer. As Granny Murray might say, there was swimming, exploring, building, visiting, colouring, reading, travelling, cycling, eating, laughing, jumping, running, 'washing up and wiping down'. The halcyon days of summer, indeed! (We've watched a bit of CBeebies, too, in case you couldn't tell!) 

Somehow, along the way, I've managed to fit in a bit of sewing, too. Hoorah! I started this little scrappy log cabin quilt in the spring for friends who welcomed their first baby to the world last weekend. (I always knew I wouldn't have it done in time!) I've been having such fun with this one, especially as it's given me the opportunity to dig through all my scraps, reminisce about the projects that produced the majority of my scraps, and think fondly of friends who have donated to my scrap reserves. 

Now, I'm just waiting for a delivery of Kona Snow to add a thin sashing, which I think will really set off each of the blocks and ensure none of the strips gets overlooked. I might add a scrappy border, too, but I'm also intending to use a scrappy binding, so it might be too much. I'll see how it all comes together after I've got the sashing on. 

Another bonus of exploring my scrappy stash was the rediscovery of a stack of small contrasting blocks I'd made for an earlier project but ultimately discarded. I wasn't quite sure what to do with them until the lovely Judith gave me a brilliant idea (no surprise there, right?) - an on-point chevron quilt. 

As you can see, I've a few more blocks to make so that each of the rows is an even ten blocks long, and I also have to add in the half triangles that will make this a square. I'm delighted, though, with just how complete this quilt already is, not least because there's yet another new arrival due to other friends in November. I'm hoping this will make the perfect  gift for baby and parents alike! 

xx Tina


  1. Oh chevron baby quilt - perfect! They are taking shape nicely! jxo

  2. Nice and colourful! Enjoy the rest of summer

  3. The baby quilt is going to be gorgeous!


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