One Lovely Blog

Despite my recent silence here, my friend Judith (Just Jude) has kindly nominated me for the One Lovely Blog award. Thanks, Judith!

The idea behind the nomination is pretty simple. You thank the person who nominated you, providing a link to their post. Then, you share seven fun facts about yourself that your readers might not know. Finally, you nominate up to ten further blogs to share the love. So, without further ado, here are seven mildly entertaining, if not necessarily fun, facts about me...

1. My only brother and I are twins, born a mere 8 minutes apart. My mom actually didn't know she was having twins until she delivered us 7 weeks early!

2. Related to the first fun fact... My brother and I are NOT identical. This may seem obvious to most of you, but you'd be surprised how many people ask that when I tell them I have a twin brother, despite the evident gender difference.

3. Like Judith, my favourite colour is purple, though I'm also very partial to green and blue, the brighter and more vivid the better!

4. I first came to Ireland when I did what we Americans call my junior year abroad (aka Erasmus). I studied English literature and drama in Dublin.

5. I came back to Dublin a year or so later to do some postgraduate work, in the midst of which I met hubby. The rest is, as they say, history.

6. My favourite flavour of ice cream is Ben and Jerry's peanut butter cup, followed in a close second place by Haagan Daz cookies and cream. The great thing about liking expensive ice cream is that portion control is pretty much built in. We only eat ice cream in this house when it's on sale! 

7. I started patchworking about 5 years ago when I took a 'quilt in a day' class to make a baby quilt for a close friend. It definitely took me more than a day, but I caught the bug anyway! 

Thanks again, Judith, for the nomination! I'm nominating two fabulous blogs to spread the One Lovely Blog love. Enjoy!

1. Susan @ Canadian Abroad 
2. Cindy @ Fluffy Sheep Quilting

xx Tina


  1. Waaaay more interesting than mine! And I didn't know your brother is your twin!! Jxo

  2. Lovely story Tina. I haven't had ben and jerry yet!


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