Material Girl

I can't believe it's been such a long time since my last post! Actually, let me rephrase that. I can believe it's been such a long time since my last post. Taking care of Baby G really is a full-time job! Since my last post, in fact, I've attended several mums and tots groups, sung my whole repertoire of nursery rhymes at least three times a day, watched in wonder as my wee baby grew before my very eyes, and generally partook in the wonders of parenting a nearly ten week old baby! Crafty things did not enter the horizon. Or, rather, they did in the most fleeting of ways with the purchase of the necessary materials for my new craft of choice, should I ever actually have the chance to sit down and try it - embroidery.

With a moment or two of searching on ebay, I discovered this lot of Anchor Pearl Cotton embroidery thread going at a seriously bargain rate. Since I haven't actually decided what designs I might eventually embroider, or, therefore, what colour thread I might need, I thought buying a rainbow of colours in one go at such a good price my best option by far. Sadly, since the thread arrived about a week and a half ago, it's done nothing but sit on the shelf, staring reproachfully at me, begging to be used. Some day, some day. For now, I'm just a material(s) girl. 



  1. The wonderful thing about perle is it can make you happy just looking at it. Let it do that until you have the time and inspiration to use it.

  2. I have a box of those too. They definitely make you feel happy. Di x

  3. I bought a similar selection after browsing on ebay as my starter to perle. Look at them until you are inspired. Start small, keep a little kit in a neat little zippy pouch or folder so you can stop and start in an instant and you will be able to do more than you imagine. I promise! Not that I'm trying to facilitate or anything, but why not choose a cute small design that you could embroider on a little white all in one for Baby G at Easter.


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