A Taste of Belfast
Last month, a good friend back in Belfast sent me a little gift for my birthday: a lovely tea towel from Flax Fox , one of the vendors that sets up stall every weekend at St. George's Market. So lovely was this particular tea towel that I just couldn't face putting it to work on all the chores I usually use tea towels for. It would be grimy and battered within days (if not moments. Nothing's more hardworking in my kitchen than tea towels!). Plus, I still have a lot of empty wall space in the new house to fill. So, this weekend, hubby and I undertook a little home decorating project involving said tea towel, an old kitchen cabinet door, and a stapling gun. As modelled by ever obliging hubby A fantastic reminder of Belfast and all my friends back there! This is destined for a place of honour just above the kitchen table, from which vantage point it can supervise my use and abuse of other, less fortunate tea towels! xx Tina