Let the Countdown Begin!

Well, the ECV last Thursday didn't work, and another scan this morning showed Baby H is well and truly comfortable the wrong way around! I've actually been scheduled in for a section now, and though there was talk last week of this taking place before Christmas (i.e. next Friday!), it's actually going ahead just after Christmas, which is a bit of a relief. I was starting to panic about the idea of the baby arriving so early! And, plus, it means there's still plenty of time for a somersault! 

In the meantime, though, I'm frantically nesting and trying to tie things up so that I'm both mentally and materially ready for baby's arrival. This week, therefore, I've finished hand sewing the binding on Frankenblanket, wrapped Christmas presents, done about a thousand loads of laundry, and put up the Christmas tree! 

Ikea's finest.... the house now smells all lovely and balsam-y!
Today is technically my last day of work, and, luckily, I've managed to get everything essential just about finished and handed over in preparation for my leave. Phew! And, in the midst of it all, I threw together a very simple quilt-as-you-go baby blanket for a little niece/nephew due to arrive in a couple of months. The parents are avid surfers and have chosen not to find out the sex of their baby, so I got some cool Robert Kaufman 'Surf Time' prints in yellows, browns, and aqua, cut the different prints into fabric-wide strips of varying widths, and then sewed them on directly to my backing and wadding - already spray basted together - following this idea from A Cuppa and a Catch Up. I used a bright, sunshine yellow thread and quilted a mix of straight and wavy lines to suggest, however vaguely, the idea of salt water, sand, and beachscapes. I'm just hand sewing the binding and label on now, and then I'll have another box ticked. (I'll share photos after I gift the quilt!)

Then the countdown to Baby H's arrival really can begin!!

xx Tina 


  1. Feet up and enjoy our Christmas. I was 36 week pregnant with Helen at our first Christmas. It was lovely. So much to look forward to.

  2. Take care of you both and enjoy these last few weeks of anticipation!

  3. My first decided to do that trick. A Caesarian at least gives you preparation time. So sit back and be pampered over Christmas. Di x

  4. Enjoy your last christmas together as a couple. Well done on finishing your quilts.

  5. Love that fabric line. I made a quilt for my 18 year old nephew in it earlier this year! Great for all ages! Jxo


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